WHAT have I done to qualify for the State Legislature?
Strong relationship builder
- Rebuilt relationship with the Park County Commissioners after inheriting a dysfunctional situation between Park County and City of Cody.
- I worked with the State Loan Investment Board, the Park County Commissioners, and staffs of Park County and the City of Cody to secure funding to build a septic receiver station at the Cody Wastewater facility so that the City of Cody will be able to provide a long term and safe way for Park County residents who live in the county, a place to dispose of septic waste.
- Worked with the Sheriffs office, Park County Commissioners and Cody Police Department to come up with mutual beneficial solutions to build the Park County Coroner’s building at the Law Enforcement Center, shared tactical training, Information Technology issues, dispatch services, and updates to the Law Enforcement Center.
- Maintained the City of Cody’s long-standing relationship with the Park County Landfill to insure continued service at the landfill.
- Organized local initiatives: State Shooting Complex committee, opioid settlement funds working group, and urban systems in the city of Cody with traffic and growth challenges
- Helped organize local leaders and community members who have the expertise in shooting sports and economic development so Cody can vie to win the chance to build the State Shooting Complex in our area, which will bring competitive shoots from local to international to our community.
- When the Park County Commissioners agreed to accept opioid settlement funds, I organized a countywide community group of substance abuse, mental health providers, and law enforcement officials to come up with a plan and best way to implement these funds.
- Worked with developers, realtors, state agencies, partnering municipalities to try and advance solutions for our housing/growth issues.
- Coordinated with Wyoming Department of Transportation on solutions for Big Horn Avenue Corridor
- Have worked with the WYDOT local, regional, and state teams to come up with solutions to the crossing at Big Horn Avenue and Freedom Street, as well as the instillation of a traffic light at Blackburn and Big Horn Avenue to solve the traffic flow problems presented by the growth out the Powell Highway and congestion at the Cody Middle School.
Decisive leader during difficult times
- COVID-19: Maintained city services, public safety, and infrastructure during the shutdown.
- Yellowstone floods: Organized state and local tourism boards to launch campaign promoting the East Gate open for business. Coordinated with WYDOT to assist neighbors in Red Lodge in removing debris.
- Worked with stakeholders to broker a compromise on the LDS Temple, but came up short despite best efforts. Adopted a new ordinance that includes the City Council in the Conditional Use Permit process going forward
- Cody Ordinance
- News articles including my letter to the editor
Fiscal conservative
- Adopted balanced and tight budget all eight years as Mayor
- During various external crisis and a residential growth of roughly 8% in my tenure, I have consistently maintained our fiscal conservative principles
- Dramatically increased transparency of budget process
- Adopted a detailed program management and disclosure process, and created the “Clearly Cody” resource located on the City of Cody website for public review of our budget: link to website
- Doing more with less despite steady area growth
- Maintained roughly the same staffing level at the City of Cody for the last eight years
- Worked to train, retain, and maintain the staff so the city holds on to its existing expertise to keep things running as efficiently and as safely as possible.